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After we've completed a house, it's amazing how many people say "Isn't it great how it all came together!"... as if by accident. This is a very small look into how it all "comes together".

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Front door

A few months ago I said to Adam..."I think we need to talk about the front door" and all he said was "I'll leave it up to you... I trust you".
After much deliberation I decided on a (as big as you can get) Red Cedar Pivot door with green float panels. Then I measured, designed, ordered then waited.... 

Here it is, and I have to say that it is exactly as I had pictured it and I/we love it!
The handle we've chosen is supersized too and I can't wait til our first visitor arrives at the house and I can WHOOSH open the door and say "Come in!"......


  1. OMG.....that door is AMAZING. You know I am a big fan of creating a statement for your entrance to your home. It is the 1st impression of the rest of the space that is yours. It very personal.
    I love it.
    ...oh and by the way, its a pleasure highlighting your blog:) I promise I will stop. Haha

  2. Thanks for the feedback Kristie. The tradies thought I was mad going with timber when the house is so 'Modern'. One of them said, "It's really nice, but I don't really get it?".... I was thinking, 'I respect anyone's opinion, however... you don't have to 'get it', you just have to install it perfectly'... :-)


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